Monday, January 31, 2011
Raising Myself!!
Lord, please help me, I am raising myself! As I type I am in a battle of the wills with a two year old! I am ashamed to admit but I do believe she is winning! Just pick up the darn blocks that YOU drug out! How hard is that??? No no after multiple spankings and time outs she is now in her room sitting on her bed until she is ready to pick them up or daddy comes home to rescue her! At least when she tells me no she says no thank you! How polite! I remember having these battle of wills with my mom and dad and now all I want to say is SORRY!!!! 90% of the time Lindsey is a perfect angel! She obeys, she picks up, she says yes ma'am and no thank you! If she can do that 90% of the time why not the other 10%. I am just saying! O please come home daddy and rescue us both!!!
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Yesterday was my birthday! I am now 27!! The last two years I spent depressed and moody! Why I have no idea but this year I was so thankful and happy! The main source of my happiness was my sweet husband! From the moment I woke up to the moment I went to bed he made sure I felt so loved! He got up and got Lindsey up and made me eggs, bacon, and toast! He entertained Lindsey so I could get ready in peace. Lindsey and I went to our first Bible Study Fellowship together. She liked it more than I did but I am sure it is going to grow on me! We went to Chick-Fil-A and Lindsey played for and hour and a half while I read a magazine and watched her. Jay cam home and took me to the best dinner EVER!!! Hot dogs at Sam's. I love Sam's just walking around and trying samples! We had Lifegroup and shared an amazing ice cream cake with some pretty cool people! Jay then went and picked up Pootie while I got to lay and rest for the evening! Jay bought me my first baby thing! I have had my eye on this Fossil bag that would make the perfect diaper bag!! He got it for me and I can not wait to fill it with sweet baby things! I also asked for a new car and he delivered! I got a red Ferrari Hot Wheels car! Lindsey stole it from me as soon as I opened it! I got to spend an amazing day surrounded by some of my favorite people in the whole world! And who doesn't love having a whole day dedicated to them!!! I am trying to drag it out for a week or so but Jay is not buying it!
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
Blah blah blah . . . . . .
I am having a blah day! Not bad not great just blah! blah blah blah blah!
- I am watching the news and they are saying that after 4 years of college 36% of students are no smarter than as they were after graduating high school! Can I ask for my money back from OBU??????
- I think Lindsey is tone deaf!!! She is singing some song in the same awful tune over and over and over!!! It is so cute now but when she is 16 I am not so sure!!
- Our little cat is crazy!!!! I think she needs Ritalin!!! She fits in great here!
- Why do I have to hear about the Royal Wedding! I just really don't care!! If they interrupt my shows to show their wedding I am gonna be one unhappy American!
- Jay says I am spicy right now during this stage of pregnancy! Spicy is a nice way to say I am, well the word is not appropriate for this blog!
- I don't have much of a filter and right now the filter is gone! Don't ask me what I think I may really tell you!!!
- Tomorrow is my birthday!! YAY!!!!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I don't feel so good!
Okay, so when you are pregnant and you think you are craving something yummy and tasty that does not give you permission to turn into an animal and devour everything in sight!
Tonight was their yummy Taco Tuesday! Nothing screams eat me like $1 tacos and free chips and home made salsa!!! I took Lindsey with me ante her share of salsa, cheese dip, chips, and tacos. It was so amazing and now I am laid up on the couch with Nick Jr. playing in the background desperately trying not to hurl! Lindsey did not care too much for the tacos but she remembered that Sara Sara cupcake was next door. I was so proud she sat so patiently and let me eat myself sick and then we waddled next door for $2 cupcakes! I swear I did not eat one! In fact the warm sweet smell that greeted us as we opened the door about made my stomach turn! Lindsey loved her dinner of strawberry cupcake and milk! I am such a fun mom when Jay is gone! Hopefully, the next time poppyseed decides to crave something I can exercise some self control and remember the consequences of tonight!!!
Thursday, January 6, 2011
What a day
Ok, so when I have told people that I am fasting from facebook and twitter they laugh at me and question how serious I am! I know fasting is to be taken very seriously. However, I am pregnant (love saying that) and I am not too sure how a food fast would affect poppyseed! Now then, with all the laughing and questioning I was beginning to question myself! Maybe I am making an "easy" choice, maybe I don't want to have God reveal things to me, maybe I am a pansy! Here is the deal though, I know this is what God has called me to do! I was so incredibly convicted. Another thing is I was so attacked last night! Satan knew Jay was out of town and I would be a little emotional but boy did he take that and run with it! Satan knew where I have been struggling and played every angle. So at 1 in the morning I began to cry out to God and beg Him to fight off Satan, teach me to forgive myself, and help me find rest. I laid in bed and just sobbed as peace began to overtake me! By about 2 am I had fallen asleep and for the first time since I have been pregnant (again love saying it) I woke up rested and restored and ready to start my day off reading God's word! The first lesson I can take away from these precious 21 days is when I cry out to God, He will comfort me and help me find rest.
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Wednesday, January 5, 2011
Well this fast is well going! I am having a hard time dedicating the time I would be on my phone to reading the Bible or praying and waking up in the morning is becoming challenging because I am so tired! I feel like the world is against me on this one!!! The one thing that is going well is Lindsey and I! Apparently I was ignoring her to stalk! Today we ran errands, played, napped, and went out to eat twice all with out drama! I know this is because I am devoting my time to her and not so called friends! Maybe this is what God has to show me!! We will see!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
I am starting to feel pregnant! I am exhausted, in fact I have not even made it to the shower yet exhausted! I am hormonal! And my stomach is queasy! I am not sick to my stomach need to get some Zofran/Phenergan gel stat sick, just enough to piss me off for interrupting my life! This is how I felt with Lindsey and I did not handle it well! I want desperately to do better this go around and dang it I am determined! Lindsey and Jay deserve better! Lets face it I am a weenie when it comes to changes with me! I know I could have it so much worse but booo hooo pitty party waaaaaaa!!!!! OK pitty party done now on to that shower!!!!!
Look what I will get to bring home in 8 months!!! I can not wait!!!
Where did all my readers go . . . . . .
I sorta stalk how many people read my blog and let me tell ya that my readership has taken a nose dive! Now if I was sensitive and all that smooshie stuff my feelings might be hurt! The wonder of facebook and twitter is that I can post my blog and get instant readers! Jay and I are doing a 21 day fast and since I am pregnant I decided to give up facebook and twitter!! So now I can no longer post to facebook or twitter, hence the nose dive in readers. I am a true social network addict! I would have gladly give up meat, eggs, dairy, bread, preservatives, and sugar! I don't like meat anyways and preservatives gross me out!!! Not being able to fill every moment stalking "friends" that I met once or went to high school with makes me very anxious!!! I have a ton of faith that through all the withdraws and hyperventilating God is going to move powerfully through my family! I had mentioned fasting to start the new year to Jay a few weeks ago and he was so put off with the idea. I decided not to push him about it and he came home Sunday and decided that this would be what our family would do! I am so proud that Jay is stepping up as a spiritual leader in our house. He is so open to what God wants to do to and through our family! I hope to post my journey through the next 19 days to have a record of what God reveals to Jay and I.
Monday, January 3, 2011
Well, we found out two weeks before Christmas that we were pregnant with baby #2!!! Were are so excited and can not wait for this little one get here!!!! We are roughly 6 weeks along and the baby is the size of a lentil!!! This is the first week I feel pregnant! Sunday morning I woke up and felt like a train hit me! I sent Jay and Lindsey to church and while they were gone I thought I will get the house picked up and laundry done! Yeah riiiiiight I took a shower and that is about it! Poor Jay! We haven't really told Lindsey yet, but at least once a day she says she wants a baby brother or sister! She will be such a good big sister!
As soon as we found out that we were pregnant I wanted to tell our friends and family in a special way. I am having a friend from church make Lindsey the cutest big sis shirt! I was gonna have Lindsey wear it to announce to everyone! Well Jay and I could not wait and told our family on Christmas Eve and Christmas night! We then told our friends after that! O well at least Lindsey will have an amazing shirt to wear made by an awesome person! Her etsy site Jaxon Jill Designs!!!
So stay tune for updates on baby poppyseed! (that is our little name for now)
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