Day 23- Something you crave for a lot
This should be hanging in my house!! I crave coffee and sleep these days! I rediscovered my love for coffee and now I can not get enough! It is so bad that the first thing my daughter says in the morning is "momma coffee"! She knows when momma does not have her coffee, momma is incredibly unpleasant! So all I can say is Hi, my name is Megan and I am a caffeine addict! I will get started on those 12 steps tomorrow!
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Day 22!
Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else
Hmmmmm. . . . .
I am incredibly ADHD (squirrel). Not the ADHD you say you have when you are not concentrating but the real not over diagnosed kind!!! For years I saw it as a horrible diagnosis that made life a pain. Not too long ago I was talking to someone about this little pain in my life and they looked at me and asked me what was good about being ADHD. I was taken back by that question. They then read me an excerpt from some book about how being ADHD has given me gifts and unique perspectives! And that little excerpt was right! I am so passionate! Little things get me so excited! When I was in Vegas I was gambling and won like ten bucks but you would have thought that I won the world! Life is exciting to me! I can juggle multiple things at one time! I notice random things that others may not even notice! I know how to have fun and enjoy the here and now! I don't worry as much as most. Lets be honest I am too distracted most times to have time to worry. Being ADHD and a mom is perfect! I love to get in and get dirty with my little girl! I am not worried about looking cool! Lets face it for years I was the ADHD dork and never quite fit in so why start worrying about now!
So yeah. . . . . . my ADHD makes me different from everyone else! I had some pretty awesome parents that allowed the good stuff from being ADHD hang out! Heck my husband loves me because of my ADHD! He says when I take my medicine I am not as much fun! So, now no more shame but only total celebration of this diagnosis! One of the best gifts God could have given me!!!
Hmmmmm. . . . .
I am incredibly ADHD (squirrel). Not the ADHD you say you have when you are not concentrating but the real not over diagnosed kind!!! For years I saw it as a horrible diagnosis that made life a pain. Not too long ago I was talking to someone about this little pain in my life and they looked at me and asked me what was good about being ADHD. I was taken back by that question. They then read me an excerpt from some book about how being ADHD has given me gifts and unique perspectives! And that little excerpt was right! I am so passionate! Little things get me so excited! When I was in Vegas I was gambling and won like ten bucks but you would have thought that I won the world! Life is exciting to me! I can juggle multiple things at one time! I notice random things that others may not even notice! I know how to have fun and enjoy the here and now! I don't worry as much as most. Lets be honest I am too distracted most times to have time to worry. Being ADHD and a mom is perfect! I love to get in and get dirty with my little girl! I am not worried about looking cool! Lets face it for years I was the ADHD dork and never quite fit in so why start worrying about now!
So yeah. . . . . . my ADHD makes me different from everyone else! I had some pretty awesome parents that allowed the good stuff from being ADHD hang out! Heck my husband loves me because of my ADHD! He says when I take my medicine I am not as much fun! So, now no more shame but only total celebration of this diagnosis! One of the best gifts God could have given me!!!
Monday, November 29, 2010
Day 21!
Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy
I know that this picture is old but hey I miss the baby stage! This little face can make me laugh so hard I pee on minute and make me see red the next! She is so amazing and I love her to pieces!!! I think I need another baby! hahahahahahahahahaha
Sunday, November 28, 2010
Day 19 and 20!
Day 19- Nicknames you have; why do you have them
I don't have a whole lot of nick names. I remember when I was little my uncle Steve calling me megger and for some reason I loved it and still do love it! When I was little my dad would come in my room EVERY morning to wake me up in the most annoying tone ever saying megonous over and over! As annoying as it was when I was little now when my dad calls me megonous my heart smiles!
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with
I don't have a whole lot of nick names. I remember when I was little my uncle Steve calling me megger and for some reason I loved it and still do love it! When I was little my dad would come in my room EVERY morning to wake me up in the most annoying tone ever saying megonous over and over! As annoying as it was when I was little now when my dad calls me megonous my heart smiles!
Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying/being with
There is no one I would rather be with than this sexy man! There is something about those ugly green pants that makes me fall more and more in love! I could go on and gush but I will save you the throw up! Just know that I truly have the best husband!!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Day 18!
Ahhh, a week and a half of vacation and I am done traveling for a while! I have tons of pictures but back to the 30 day blog first!
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Right now my biggest goal/dream/plan is to be debt free!!!! Thanks to my awesome husband we are on our way! Another huge goal/dream of mine is to walk into a car dealership and pay for a car with cash!! I know it is weird but hey living weird is what I want to do!
Another random dream is to get my doctorate in nursing! I am not too sure what I would do with it but hey you can call me Dr. Megan!!!
I want to go to Seminary! Heck I could be a professional student!
Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have
Right now my biggest goal/dream/plan is to be debt free!!!! Thanks to my awesome husband we are on our way! Another huge goal/dream of mine is to walk into a car dealership and pay for a car with cash!! I know it is weird but hey living weird is what I want to do!
Another random dream is to get my doctorate in nursing! I am not too sure what I would do with it but hey you can call me Dr. Megan!!!
I want to go to Seminary! Heck I could be a professional student!
Monday, November 15, 2010
This is a good time to leave ya'll waiting for more! My sweet hubby and I are heading to VEGAS!!!!! I am so excited and plan to be unplugged for four whole days! I am sure I will go through withdraws! I will start back, for the 2 who read this (thanks mom and dad), on Monday when we return! Ya'll have fun!
Day 17!
Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why
I would like to switch places with Pootie for a day! I just want to know what is going through her head!!! She is so interesting to watch and I want an insider's perspective!!!
I would like to switch places with Pootie for a day! I just want to know what is going through her head!!! She is so interesting to watch and I want an insider's perspective!!!
Sunday, November 14, 2010
Prize for the winner!!!
So apparently I have learned from some "older" friends that the title of my blog Surviving Pootie is very inappropriate!! Excuse me for having a very innocent mind! Shame on all of you who have polluted me! hahahaha So here is the deal I will offer a gift card to Starbucks or favorite chain restaurant for a creative new CLEAN title to my little blog!!! So ready set go.........
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Day 16!
Day 16- Another picture of yourself
Ummm, lets see 2 days till I head to AR and 5 days till I leave for Vegas!!! I am so ready for a baby free vacation and parents that will take on Pootie pie for a couple or 4 days!!! I can not wait for 4 whole days with Jay!!!!
Ummm, lets see 2 days till I head to AR and 5 days till I leave for Vegas!!! I am so ready for a baby free vacation and parents that will take on Pootie pie for a couple or 4 days!!! I can not wait for 4 whole days with Jay!!!!
Day 15!
Day 15- Put your iPod on shuffle: First 10 songs that play
1. Paradigm by: All Together Separate
How about some old school Christian to get ya going! I forgot how much I loved this song!
2.Love Me Do by: The Beatles
Umm all you music lovers don't hate but I think this is Jay's music creeping into my i tunes! I have no clue about this song!
3. Good Times Gonna Come by: Aqualung
Again someone's music is creeping into my i tunes however I am liking what I am listening to!
4. Sooner or Later by: Switchfoot
Love Switchfoot!
5. Reached Down by: Todd Agnew
So this is from my days of "borrowing" music in college. I really do not care for Todd Agnew! Something about his voice is nails on a chalk board to me! This will soon be exiting my library!
6. Dear Shame by: The Newsboys
OMG!!!! Newsboys were one of the first bands I ever knew! That is right I was rocking to Christian music at an early age! I love everything this band has put out!
7. Imperfection by Saving Jane
Don't hate I saw this poppy little group in concert at the AMP!!!! I just love them!
8. Sport Utility Vehicle by: Veggie Tales
I would love to tell you that I downloaded this after Pootie was born but yeah I was that nerdy and loved and still love Veggie Tales! Lindsey has now acquired my taste for these cute little veggies! Makes my heart smile!!!
9. Change Me by: Sanctus Real
What is to be said but good band!
10. Rich Girl by: Gwen Stefani
Love this girl since the first No Doubt CD that played in my stereo!
1. Paradigm by: All Together Separate
How about some old school Christian to get ya going! I forgot how much I loved this song!
2.Love Me Do by: The Beatles
Umm all you music lovers don't hate but I think this is Jay's music creeping into my i tunes! I have no clue about this song!
3. Good Times Gonna Come by: Aqualung
Again someone's music is creeping into my i tunes however I am liking what I am listening to!
4. Sooner or Later by: Switchfoot
Love Switchfoot!
5. Reached Down by: Todd Agnew
So this is from my days of "borrowing" music in college. I really do not care for Todd Agnew! Something about his voice is nails on a chalk board to me! This will soon be exiting my library!
6. Dear Shame by: The Newsboys
OMG!!!! Newsboys were one of the first bands I ever knew! That is right I was rocking to Christian music at an early age! I love everything this band has put out!
7. Imperfection by Saving Jane
Don't hate I saw this poppy little group in concert at the AMP!!!! I just love them!
8. Sport Utility Vehicle by: Veggie Tales
I would love to tell you that I downloaded this after Pootie was born but yeah I was that nerdy and loved and still love Veggie Tales! Lindsey has now acquired my taste for these cute little veggies! Makes my heart smile!!!
9. Change Me by: Sanctus Real
What is to be said but good band!
10. Rich Girl by: Gwen Stefani
Love this girl since the first No Doubt CD that played in my stereo!
Friday, November 12, 2010
So this 30 day blog is on a break because, well I am not too sure!
Cooking is one of my favorite things to do! I could be in the kitchen all day! There is nothing better than creating something yummy and healthy for my little family! Any who, when I was growing up my mom rotated the same dishes over and over! Don't get me wrong they are still my favorite things to eat but I did not get a lot of exposure to new foods. Now that I have a little one I want to expose her to all kinds of foods no mater if I like it or not! This is a hard task when I am a picky eater! I have been blessed with a child that will eat almost anything! However, my stash of recipes I had was thin and not that nutritious! So in order to find yummy, healthy foods I searched all over the internet and asked friends for new recipes. Two websites I have found are and They both offer awesome options that never bore my family! I love that weelicious takes the time to make her dishes healthy and kid friendly. I never have to worry that what I am feeding Lindsey is bad for her. She does not hide veggies but makes veggies fun and good! Because of her website I have tried peas and they are really yummy! I wish I was as creative as these ladies. They are making some amazing dishes out of some truly random ingredients! I hope you will enjoy these websites as much as I do!
Cooking is one of my favorite things to do! I could be in the kitchen all day! There is nothing better than creating something yummy and healthy for my little family! Any who, when I was growing up my mom rotated the same dishes over and over! Don't get me wrong they are still my favorite things to eat but I did not get a lot of exposure to new foods. Now that I have a little one I want to expose her to all kinds of foods no mater if I like it or not! This is a hard task when I am a picky eater! I have been blessed with a child that will eat almost anything! However, my stash of recipes I had was thin and not that nutritious! So in order to find yummy, healthy foods I searched all over the internet and asked friends for new recipes. Two websites I have found are and They both offer awesome options that never bore my family! I love that weelicious takes the time to make her dishes healthy and kid friendly. I never have to worry that what I am feeding Lindsey is bad for her. She does not hide veggies but makes veggies fun and good! Because of her website I have tried peas and they are really yummy! I wish I was as creative as these ladies. They are making some amazing dishes out of some truly random ingredients! I hope you will enjoy these websites as much as I do!
Monday, November 8, 2010
Day 14!
14- A picture of you and your family
The loves of my life! I could not ask for anyone better to share this life with than my spirited daughter and sexy husband!
The amazing Cheryl captured my little family! I love her to pieces!
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Day 13!
Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you
Dear washer, dryer, or sock monster
I desperately at the end of my laundry day want to have an empty basket! I want to see the shiny white bottom of my basket congratulating me on a job well done! However, you have hurt me deeply! You have eaten random socks and now I have unmatched socks covering the beautiful white bottom of my basket! I ask that you stop your dirty filthy ways and STOP eating my socks! Please grant me the joy of having an empty basket one day!
Dear washer, dryer, or sock monster
I desperately at the end of my laundry day want to have an empty basket! I want to see the shiny white bottom of my basket congratulating me on a job well done! However, you have hurt me deeply! You have eaten random socks and now I have unmatched socks covering the beautiful white bottom of my basket! I ask that you stop your dirty filthy ways and STOP eating my socks! Please grant me the joy of having an empty basket one day!
Day 12- How you found out about Tumblr and why you made one
I am not too sure what Tumblr is but I am assuming it is similar to Blogspot. I came across Blogspot from back in the day when I had a Xanga account! Everyone was changing to another blogging site so when I had a baby I decided I would try this blogging thing again! I started this blog to keep family updated on Lindsey but it has turned more into a good way to get thoughts out! I love doing it I hope you love reading it!
I am not too sure what Tumblr is but I am assuming it is similar to Blogspot. I came across Blogspot from back in the day when I had a Xanga account! Everyone was changing to another blogging site so when I had a baby I decided I would try this blogging thing again! I started this blog to keep family updated on Lindsey but it has turned more into a good way to get thoughts out! I love doing it I hope you love reading it!
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Day 11!
Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

I guess if our family wants to be stubborn and live in TX and AR Jay and I are very lucky to have some very special people in our lives! God is good all the time and all the time God is good!!!
Friday, November 5, 2010
Day 10!
Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are Happy, Sad, Bored, Hyped, Mad
Music used to be extremely important to me! I would search i tunes for hours for the perfect tune to tickle my ears. Now a days I just do not have the time. I miss new music that makes my heart smile. Music has the ability to express emotions that one can not put into words. Worship music has the ability to take me to a place closer to God. I love the power that music has. Right now the radio and Pandora are my main source. The Jars of Clay station is my favorite. To study Surgarland keeps me focused. I need to rediscover my love affair with music!!!
Thursday, November 4, 2010
Day 9!

Day 09- Something you’re proud of in the past few days
I am proud of the fact that I have been more open to new people and new experiences. I am so proud that I am opening myself to the path God has set for me! I have spent so many years fighting God. I was angry, ashamed, and just plain stubborn to listen and obey! I am now trying so hard to follow the path set out for me! So, yeah I am proud of the journey I am on!
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
I am taking a short break from the 30 day blog to verbally vomit on here!
To all those that have family in the same town go now and say thank you and tell them how much you love them!!! Today I am missing my family so much! God has placed amazing people in my life right now but they are not my mom and dad or aunts or grandparents or sister! Jay is traveling now and some days are just plain hard! The days are easy but the nights are hard! I wish I could just load up Lindsey and go lay on my momma's couch or head over to my Nanny's knowing dinner is cooked! I am just home sick and I miss my mom. Some just do not realize what a luxury it is to have family to babysit or come take care of you when you are sick! Thank you for reading I am just homesick!!!!
Day 8!
Day 08- Short term goals for this month and why
- I want to get back into shape!! Why I pick the fall/winter I have no idea! I want to be healthy and I want to teach my daughter how to be healthy. I recently started a boot camp but my child care fell through! So it looks like I am going to be joining a gym!
- I want to be more open and let more people in. This will be the hardest!
- I want my quiet time to be more productive! I need to do more than just read my bible. I need to study it and dissect it and absorb it!
Well that is a start! Ya'll can help keep me accountable!!!
Tuesday, November 2, 2010
Day 7!
Day 07- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you.
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