This time 4 years ago I was trying to decide whether or not to go on a blind date in "The City." I was at a spot in my life where I was open to God's influence in my dating life! I suppose He decided that I gave in enough that He would rock my world. Friday Oct. 13th I drove from Shawnee, OK to the ghetto in OKC. I walked into Rococo's with no expectations and left calling my dad telling him I met this great friend. The date continued to a haunted house and talking till 3 or 4 in the morning. I opened myself just enough to God's influence that He was able to place the most amazing friend in my life. Oct. 13th is so important to the both of us that we do not even acknowledge our wedding anniversary! My life at the time I met Jay was so volatile! I was so unsure of myself and frankly did not think to highly of me! The difference was I stopped fighting God and God was then able to place someone in my life that could love me so unconditionally that I began to understand how much Christ truly loved me! I challenge you to stop wrestling with God and allow Him to rock your world!
Megan, I love this! My parents still celebrate "TDWM" ("the day we met"), and I think it's fantastic that you and Jay have that special occasion to observe each year.
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