So, quick update: Jay got a new job, Lindsey is out of school for 2 weeks, I am fixin' to start school again, and I seem to be adding more to my plate than when I worked full-time. All that called for a quick getaway! We were planning on going to Branson but those plans fell through so we decided to go stay with Dave and Lisa for the weekend and do all the things that we never get to do!
I am the worst mom ever but we went to the Wild Life Safari in Gentry, AR and I took no pictures! After some ATM drama we had a blast. The weather was gorgeous, no 105 heat!!!! Lindsey was able to pet the goats, kangaroos, a pot belly pig, and some chickens! We drove through the rest and saw some crazy emus, zebras, camels, buffalo, cows, and so much that I was not to sure what it was!
That night we went to the Naturals baseball game! Again the weather was awesome and Lindsey did better than Lisa and I did! We maybe got Lindsey to tell Dave and Jay that she wanted to go home! It was sooo late and she was sooo tired or maybe we were haha!

Lisa and I finally have a picture together where we both looked like we have clothes on! haha I think it is frame worthy!
Lindsey loves Dave and Lisa! I think Dave needs his own little girl! He is so great!
On Sat we went to Pea Ridge Civil War battle field. The weather was not as great as Friday. The tour was a driving tour! The guys just ate it up! They wanted to discover every little detail! Lisa and I liked it for the most part but it was hot and we were hungry! Luckily my sister took Lindsey for the day so we were sans baby! Jay and Dave were so cute, they were like bff's! haha
They discussed everything! The tour was supposed to be 30 mins and they took and hour and a half!!!
This is what Lisa and I did the last hour! Can you say AC?!!!!
That night we went swimming with Lisa's sweet church then headed home early on Sun to get back to church! For such a quick trip we left so refreshed. We came home with our batteries recharged and so thankful for friends that are so loving and encouraging!