I have a lot going through my head! I think another list is the way to go!
- Spring is here, well summer one day spring the next! I love being able to show this albino skin the sun!
- I finished my first ever grad school class with an "A" super excited!
- My best friend is going to start school in the fall and we will hopefully be able to take the majority of our classes together. Yay she can keep me motivated! We should have done our undergrad together. Nah, we would have gotten in too much trouble.

- My baby turns 2 in a week! What the heck, where has time gone. Maybe we should start talking about baby number 2. Can I be preggers in a wedding?? hmmmm. . . .
- 2 years and 4 months ago the sweetest miracle was born; Laynie bug! She is by far the most loved baby in the world! Check out her Facebook page. http://www.facebook.com/home.php#!/pages/Hope-for-Laynie/305610421443?v=info Now, go donate blood in her name!
- Jay and I started to go to Lifechurch.tv Yukon. OMG. . . I am in amazement at what God is doing. Opening weekend almost 4 thousand people came. We thought maybe 700-a thousand, not 4 thousand. God is changing lives, including ours! We are so blessed and humbled to be apart of what God is doing in this community!
- My sister-in-law Amy is moving to AR soon and that puts her 4 hours away instead of a hundred million! Super excited! Now when I go to AR I can see Amy and my parents! EEEEEEE so happy. Now to con Mimi and PaPa to make the move to AR. Any ideas??? I think a hostage situation might be required but I can get creative.
- What was I thinking planning 2 large parties on back to back weekends??? Jay may need a safe place to hide soon.
- My last week of nights is this week! Jay is secretly doing a happy dance. This is very bittersweet! I love the night crew! I love the new grads I got to spend time with. I like that some of the patients sleep. I do miss the pace of days. I do better when I am constantly moving. I know I am weird but I function better if I am busy!
Wow I could add so much more but I will save those thoughts for another day! Happy May!
1 comment:
how is she 2 already?!?!?!? it seems like just yesterday we were climbing billboards and promoting TTE. where has the time gone????
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